Misc - ARTool
To get you started:
(give it about 25 seconds and the card will be moved around)
Interaction - Very entertaining cute
jankenpon!, $k1rt fl!p, head pat, poking, and such ^_^;
People for the Ethical Treatment of Vocaloids!
(don't tease your vocaloid! it's just cruel!)
This time she gets it right away! Better treatment here, if you get bored then skip to the end (link) for a little ayashii~.
At this point if this is too much youtube for you in one siting, then skip to the last stylish video where stuff's coming out of the guy's head. :P
These are for rotflwew:
(no subliminal messages intended)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7975558 (same as above)
Pat pat... wakey wakey... :|
(very decent interaction/timing demo)
(peek-a-boo pat pat, etc)
Not the best ones to end on.. go back and watch the cute ones again! >_<
Breif demo of using the tool here (youtube again).
Beyond Vocaloid
Also, if vocaloid doesn't do it for you.. you can also watch tanks come out of the wall (youtube), or pretend you are 'Alucard from Hellsing' (youtube), and much more.
Someone even has it running on their iphone (youtube), which adds a whole new level to Augmented Reality Games. (maybe it's offloading it to a server? not sure, haven't looked into it yet.)
One last embed of a stylish demo. ( Worth watching )
I should have known thats what was inside an iphone.. The guys head is filled with it too.. not to mention his n1ppl3??
Labels: artool, augmented reality, misc, vocaloid