World of Wabasco

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Misc - Multitasking to Distraction

There was a recent article in American Scientist that I though some might find interesting. The article also reminded me of a game I played a week ago, it was quite distracting...

Phycologists at Stanford preformed tests to explore the worlds of 'heavy' and 'light' multitaskers. They discovered that the heavy multitaskers (having 5 to 6 simoultanious imputs) are actually worse at filtering out irrelavent data, and worse at filtering out knowledge from previous tasks.

The research may continue in order to answer why everyone tries to multitask when we are so bad at it. The article states that multitaskers have become so habituated to an onslaught of information that they operate on the assumption that any input is potentially relevant. One theory is that "We are predisposed to seek out as much information as possible, particularly about other humans." "It could be that multitasking is just that desire run amok"

Entertainment Section

Now, if you'd like to begin 'multitasking to distraction' play this MultiTask (flash game) for a few hours :P After 30 minutes of game play I got to around 226 ish at which the increase in dificultiy was too much for me. I'd go back and try to get further but it's a bit more of a distraction then I need at this point.

side note: I just tried again, and it IS possible to perfectly balance the ball, but I was so distracted by the fact that it was perfectly balanced for more then 5 seconds, that I didn't pay enough atention to the triangle one. T_T

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  • I give up cuz I'm now more concerned with perfectly balancing the ball again then I am with actually getting any where. >_<

    By Blogger Spider, at 1:25 AM  

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