World of Wabasco

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Remembering Satoshi KON

A year ago today the director Satoshi KON (ANN profile) passed away due to cancer. KON was well respected, and while he left his final film incomplete, the director of Dennou Coil has been tasked with seeing Yume-Miru Kikai though to the end. So, in the spirit of putting something up, even if it's just a few quick videos..

A tribute AMV at this year's Otakon. You'll see why it's runner up, but it's not too bad.

KON also worked on Memories (trailer), which was a compilation of a few shorts presented by Otomo (the director of Akira). It also just so happens to contain the only work by Otomo that completely stuck a chord with me, and that didn't leave me disappointed, which was 'Cannon Fodder'. Of the three shorts, KON's contribution was 'Magnetic Rose', which was based on a oneshot by Otomo.

Two space travelers following a distress signal are drawn into a magnificent world created by one woman's memories.

A random amv for that's a little down:

Not amazingly edited, but well chosen. As per the editors intentions, this is an "AMV of seeking reality within the fantasy." and only focuses on the little bits of background pieced together by the space travelers. (Thus, it's not completely representative of the film.)

And for a few laughs and upbeat mood:
(be advised, some NSFW, and spoilers)

KON liked to reuse certain scenes and themes across his various works, which we've commented on in the past, like the skipping in Paprika which was originally a chase scene in Perfect Blue. Annnd, suddenly- a random Millennium Actress AMV:

Chiyoko, the main character from Millennium Actress, chases after her life, in thousand places and times. Can she catch up with it?

(Good, but I'll understand if you become bored part way through.)

There are several other AMVs on YouTube, and many on the org, though many were a little nsfw or just a bit dark to link to directly. These may not do him justice, but I thought we couldn't go without sharing some love and providing well deserved exposure for a classic director.

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