World of Wabasco

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Secrets of the Samurai Sword

On tonight's Nova was "Secrets of the Samurai Sword", which was an interesting mixture of materials science and Japanese culture.

The episode will be repeated at 2am on Thursday (after Wednesday night). If you have digital TV, it's on UNC-HD on June 28 at 8pm and July 1 on UNC-ED at 11am.

METAR KRDU 250051Z 00000KT 10SM FEW085 SCT250 26/14 A3018 RMK SLP214


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wednesday's Anime Category on Jeopardy!

Yes, there actually was an anime category on Jeopardy Wednesday night. IM me and I'll hit you up with the clues; afterwards, I'll post the results here.

Iulus: 5/5 $400,$800,$1200,$1600,$2000=$6000
Kinsei: 4/5 -$400,$800,$1200,$1600,$2000=$5200
QB Pres: 4/5 $400,$800,$1200,$1600,($2000)=$4000
Rizumu: 4/5 $400,$800,$1200,$1600,($2000)=$4000
Soopy-kun: 4/5 $400,$800,$1200,$1600,($2000)=$4000
TMSTKSBK: 4/5 $400,$800,($1200),$1600,$2000=$4800

METAR KIGX 101056Z 00000KT 8SM CLR 12/10 A2994 RMK SLP135
