World of Wabasco

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Randomness - Dieing Male Sex Chromosome may lead to 'New Species'

Banana Apocalypse? ... No, this is much worse!

The Male Y Chromosome is Dieing!

The clock is ticking! Will XX Males Break off and spawn a New Species?

We were reassured during the great scare back in 2003 when Page told us that the Y wasn't dieing as fast as once predicted.

BUT! Numbers are changing!

What once was 78 of 1,000 genes left on The Y is now a pitiful 45 working genes!
(And it used to be 1,400!)

Where have all the genes gone !?!


One in every 150,000 Men are currently being born without the Y chromosome.

These XX Men might become infertile!

What do Women have to say about this?

Nothing! They don't need us apparently!

When reproducing, a mother and father swap genes to create an embryo.
It was previously believed that The Y sits out the gene swapping during fertilization. Static DNA can lead to harmful mutations!
Recently, scientists have discovered that The Y continuously reshuffles its DNA using its own borders.

Ha, we aren't useless trouble makers!

Only... incestuous swapping could cause deletions leading to infertility, among other problems. -_-;

Fear not, The Male species may still have a chance!

Recent studies suggest Males have been silently infiltrating other chromosomes!

These sneaky 'male making' genes may be able to take over the job of The Y's 'SRY' gene (pun intended).

Just because the complete disappearance of The Y has moved from 5 to 10 to now 15 million years, it doesn’t mean you can’t act now.
Preventative measures must be taken!
Do your exercises daily. Being promiscuous will not solve the problem, its been proven!

Don’t let Women claim Men are defective or that they cause more mutations.
It just means Men are still evolving faster then Women!

Of course I don’t promote either of the claims, but we all know Women are superior. ^_^;

(Another Resource for information)

Join the research projects! Some have even claimed that the search for details is nearly heroic!


(Anyone want to help promote the cause by making flyers saying 'The Human Male: A Dieing Breed!' ? Or we can start a reservation and make 'Save the Human Male' Exhibits! ? I'm currently too lazy to create any shop'ed adds.)
(Yet another, weak PSA... but better then nothing.)



  • Yeah I heard about this sometime ago. However the length of time that it would take for an eventual selection against the Y chromosome would be a very long period of time.

    We of course have to take steps that the ultimate in selection doesn't occur!

    METAR KRDU 180451Z 04504KT 10SM FEW250 21/19 A3016 RMK SLP208

    By Blogger weather boy, at 1:39 AM  

  • The most recent source link was broken on my side... should be fixed now.

    By Blogger Spider, at 3:02 AM  

  • hey, you're still up

    By Blogger soopy-kun, at 3:11 AM  

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