World of Wabasco

Monday, October 08, 2007

Blogger Interface Update – Admin Privileges

A while back, Spider-kun observed that you couldn't edit or delete old posts created before the "new" Blogger (it hardly seems new anymore!) account system. It is half true--you can't edit your old posts, but the administrator can edit any of the posts. At the time however, there was no way to do this--only the owner had these privileges. Now, additional authors can be granted admin privileges in the Settings > Privileges tab. The privilege system still seems to be very coarse--you're either full blown like the owner or just an author (so you can't for example let them edit one thing but not another).

This of course would allow more the authors here to beautify things (specifically the template or sidebars), but it's not really a job for me (there is at least one author who has much better graphical skillz than I!).

Blog owners may also wish to browse through the settings tab as Blogger has seemed to drop a few more features in.

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