World of Wabasco

Friday, February 16, 2007

Warning! - New Blogger cannot Edit Old Blogger Posts


It seems that if you migrate to New-Blogger (not sure you have a choice now) that you CANNOT Edit or Delete Old posts created with your Old-Blogger account!

Also note: You cannot login with your old account after migrating.

I hope they plan to port everyone's Old-Blogger posts to the New-Blogger post format that way we might be allowed to edit our old posts. (That or make the posts owned by our new accounts.)

Other then that, New-Blogger is 'most excellent'.
The two features that currently stand out to me are the new RSS Feed options and Labels.


Labels allow users to quickly view all posts that contain the same label. This is much better then the old way which involved making links to use the search function.

I’d recommend that these be used for categories rather then tags. Excessive labeling of a single post will cause clutter, and is not exactly the intended use (as you will see below).


There are several new RSS Feed options

On top of being able to set the Feed’s description/content to contain 'Full' 'Short' or 'None' of the article, you also have a few new options.

You can offer Feeds for both the Posts and the Comments (even Per-Post Comments).

Labels have been integrated into Blogger’s RSS Feed generation.
You can now request feeds of posts with specific labels.
If you wanted to sort out the posts in your feed reader or if you only wanted specific types of posts then you are in luck.

This is an Atom 1.0 Feed that contains only posts Labeled as ‘news’:

Note: If your feed reader has been complaining about blogger feeds then you may want to switch it to RSS 2.0 by adding '?alt=rss' to the end of your Feed URLs (in your feed reader). Blogger has updated their Atom version and readers such as SharpReader may not support it yet.

A link for an RSS 2.0 feed for ‘news’ would be:

I was hoping to add labels to all my old posts, but it looks like we can't edit or delete them. Me being me, I backed up the posts that were significant every time I posted one. (I can just copy paste the code, and create new posts with old content.) Also, we can now change the date on posts :/ that takes all the fun out of it! On the other hand that would be useful if one wanted to migrate old posts to a new blog.


  • Well, the part about editing I would say is half right. On my blog, I can edit all posts as normal. But I can't edit my own posts on this blog. My guess is that only the administrators of a given blog can edit old posts.

    That leaves a few options as I can see:
    *Make everyone on a given blog administrators for a finite period of time.
    *Have the current administrator (soopykun) edit all posts in question.
    *Hope that the porting occurs.
    *Forget about editing old posts.

    Similarly, I would anticipate that post deleting operates under the same strictures, but I never delete posts, so I can't say.

    The administrator/guest paradigm that is used for permissions seems to be similar to the old owner/team member paradigm, with the exception that (as I recall) there was only one owner, but now there can be multiple administrators.

    My guess is that there will be no porting or workaround; in a few months, most of the nondormant blogs will be moved over to google accounts, and the desire for guests to edit posts that they wrote so long ago will dissipate.

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    By Blogger weather boy, at 2:18 PM  

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