World of Wabasco

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dispute - Trusted Computing

Probably not the best way to introduce the concept but - neat video they've got there.

Check out the video at by clicking the image above.

If you don't like QuickTime then try the Other Video Formats OR
(YouTube)(Google Video)

Anti-DRM? Anti-TC? (Don't mix em' up, but) You might enjoy this 'PSA'. It's interesting how humans will create such PSAs in order to influence minds.. and how easily people will follow them. (But, thats beside the point, look into these concepts and make your own 'educated' decisions.)

An interesting talk: Microsoft Research DRM talk it gets a bit ranty/lengthy at times, but its decent.

[Removed ranty discussion including VHS variable speed playback and other DVD copy-protection systems]

Is this something similar to the: Privacy vs security? Privacy vs Fredom? Well, there are defiantly advantages and disadvantages, but also some slippery slopes.

On another note: Just remember, Security through obscurity isn’t 'security'. (Though, it defiantly can mimic security pretty well sometimes.) Raarr proprietary, raarr.



  • yeah, drm is a subject i could rant about for hours (and have)

    you can look at it from the consumer's side and complain about how it's almost impossible to do anything with the media you bought legally, or you could look at it from the company's side and complain about how people can download anything off the internet within 24 hours of its release (if not earlier), and how it's impossible to get something off the internet once it's uploaded.

    it's fun stuff to rant about, and i'm really curious to see what the future holds. will blu-ray win? will sony kill the used game market? Or will we just say screw it all and stick with what we have?

    it should all be extremely interesting... especially when you remember that vhs killed betamax, and dvd killed vhs.

    By Blogger soopy-kun, at 1:58 AM  

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