World of Wabasco

Friday, March 09, 2007

sometimes 4chan is good for something


  • I was going to say the life span of images on 4chan is so short that you might not want to give a direct link... but 4chan's leech protection got you.

    If you 'right-click SaveAs-ed' the thumbnail on 4chan... it probably broke. New 'feature' >_<

    I've seen that one, its great! I've got it saved somewhere, might be better quality, but I doubt it.

    [ How do I Fix Image? ]

    If you are having problems viewing the image and you copy-paste the url your cache will probably still show that '' image. Clear your cache or press F5/refresh when viewing the image and it should fix it. Now the image in this thread will show properly. And even on WoW, but it’s only a temporary fix. :)

    *** This is why it looks ok for soopy-kun and he can’t tell what we are talking about, at least until he clears his cache or uses a different computer ;) ***

    But! Would he (or anyone for that matter) dare use another computer to visit 4chan or heaven forbid ... WoW!!??!?? hmmm? Don't forget to clear your history, even if its only /cgl ^_^ Wouldn't want virgin eyes to stumble upon say ... /b (to put it mildly)?

    [ Wrapping up ]

    I'll load the image to photobucket, or I'll relay it if anyone can't get it working.

    Again, uploading it to blogger would be good because if not, it will drop off /cgl 'eventually'.

    PS: And for anyone who doubts it... 4chan DOES contribute to the world! Not very often, but when Anonymous gives .. the effect - its 10 fold. (for better.. .or for worse) {shudder} >_<

    By Blogger Spider, at 2:46 AM  

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