World of Wabasco

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ah, Japanese TV


  • with ninja and everyone!

    with bus guides and everyone!

    Doesn't make much more sense when watching the translated one does it >_<

    Reminded me of this one:
    Spare me my life (YouTube)

    Japan Japan ... ^_^;

    EXHIBIT SPORK - To quote the obvious:

    "Hey, SPORKIN' cowboy, SPORKIN' cowgirl, how the SPORK are you doin'!!? So tell me, are you kids on your SPORKIN' way home from school, or somethin' like that...SPORK, why don't you buy a SPORKIN' hot dog from me, Mr.Kohei! Come on, don't be cruel ya SPORKIN' cowboy! Tell ya what...I'll give ya the King's Special with a ton of SPORKIN' ketchup and SPORKIN' mustard to go with those SPORKIN' hot dogs, and sell you a pair of them for five-hundred-SPORKIN'-yen! How do ya like those bargains baby!? SPORK YA VERY MUCH!!"

    Given Exhibit spork.
    Hypothetical syllogism suggests:

    As George Carlin once said... nothing compares to the versatility of that word.

    What was I supposed to pick?...hmmmm?
    datebayo? nyo? wouldn't work.

    And SMEG was out of the question.. Not much more 'acceptable' then its original predecessor.
    I'm not even sure I'd survive making the last few substitutions anyway.

    By Blogger Spider, at 7:11 PM  

  • Don't miss the Algorathm March Remix.
    Located at the bottom of Pythagoras 'Torture' Switch

    By Blogger Spider, at 10:26 PM  

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